Windows 10 catch-up
Windows 10 is the new Operating System from Microsoft . Their previous offering was Windows 8 which was poorly received by PC and laptop...

Raindrops keep falling on my head
Have you ever heard someone talking about ‘The Cloud’ and wondered what it meant? Although the idea is relatively new, it's not too hard...

Backed up?
It’s really easy to assume that the technology we use every day such as our computers, tablets and mobile phones are never going to...

Wired for sound
Over the last 10 years, we all replaced our old bulky TV sets - the ones that took up half of the living room - with flash new flat...

More Windows 10
Some more Windows 10 upgrades, the one on the left just about finished, the one in the middle just about to start and the one on the...

iPad Upgrade
Todays task - replace a faulty lightning connector and install a brand new battery into this iPad. Not only does this give the device a...

Windows 10 Upgrades
One of 3 machines upgraded to Windows 10 in the last 2 days. This is a Surface Pro, which unsurprisingly went without a hitch, the others...

StartFragmentLast week I installed these bad boys for a client who was looking to enhance the sound from their TV without going to the...