New things TechMan can do for you!
Here at TechMan, we're always looking at ways to improve your technology experience and have very recently partnered with two different...
Printers and the ink cartridge scam..
Printers are one of those tools most of us have, and they are one of those tools that inexplicably cost a fortune to run. The video below...
TechMan Recycling Partnership
Is 2019 the year we finally start seeing the demise of plastic? With Government passing legislation to ban all single use plastics, it is...
Personalised Kit-Kat from TechMan's mother in the UK... thanks ma :-)
TechMan's December Deal
Our new service is preventative maintenance. The idea being that we fix it before it breaks. A tiny piece of software is installed on...
Microsoft - Better at being Apple than Apple?
Microsoft have quietly become great at creating hardware. This week they announced the Surface Studio which is aimed at artists and...
Are you vulnerable to Ransomware?
Ransomware seems to be the "in" thing among virus writers and hackers. In the good old days, a virus would hit your systems and either...
Windows 10 - Anniversary Update
Windows 10 was released just over a year ago and to mark the occasion, Microsoft have released their anniversary update - a collection of...
Single Board Computing
What in the world is Single Board Computing? Put simply, it's a computer in the form similar to a USB memory stick. The Single Board...
TechMan - World famous in Waikanae
Thanks Destination Waikanae for the feature.